"Excuse me ladies, can you tell me what that intersection out there is."
We both looked, "Well it appears it's 126 S. 13th W."
Blank stare.
For about the next ten minutes we tried to convince this man that all he needed to do was go east on 126th and he'd get on the freeway in no time. He was very hesitant and insisted he find our exact location on his map. (Why don't truckers use GPS'?)
After we pin pointed our exact location on the map, Mr. Truck Driver took the liberty of telling us his whole life story. For the next 20 minutes, standing in the freezing cold, we listened to one story after another of the new Walmarts on his route, and about the new Target trailers he has been transporting. Oh so fascinating.
Both of us were very polite and listened intently on every word Mr. Truck Driver spoke. But, in the middle of one of his stories, I realized I had something on my face.
Oh, am I wearing my sunglasses? No it's night time, silly. Oh, then I still must have my glasses on from work then? No, those came off when you went to the gym. What the?
Just then I realized this is what I looked like...

I had put on these geek glasses I found in Christene's car and forgot to take them off. No wonder Mr. Truck Driver was hesitant to listen to my directions.
that was the funniest thing that has happened to us, probably. so what if you are a nerd? ha