Top 10 Things I Love About Snow...
1. It gave us countless days off at school growing up- some of the best memories of my life
2. It is beautiful- until it starts melting and looks disgusting
3. It makes hot chocolate appealing- which rarely happens for me
4. It makes it possible for tow trucks to have a successful career- let's pray I don't need their business this year
5. Sledding is enjoyable- for about 10 minutes
6. Building snowmen- a simple pleasure in life
7. Snowshoeing- one of my favorite past times ever
8. Building igloos and forts- pretty fun
Ok, I can't think of ten and while I was making the list I couldn't resist thinking about the things I hate about snow. So here you go.
Top 10 Things I Hate About Snow...
1. Cold, miserable, depressing- self explanatory
2. Skiing- not fun...EVER
3. Layers- claustrophobic madness
4. You can't walk fast or else you'll fall- which brings me to number 5
5. Slipping on the ice- oh so degrading
5. You have to drive extra slowly - which means you have to leave extra early for everything
6. You have to scrape snow/ ice off your car and wait for your car to warm up - which means you have to leave extra extra early for everything
7. Can't enjoy the outside without at least 30 minutes of getting prepped- again with the ghastly layers
8. Snow ball fights- getting snow pummeled in your face causing a seemingly unbearable brain freeze is not my idea of fun
9. Wet floors- I don't mind taking off my shoes at the door, in fact, I love it. The problem is when that token person tracks water through the house creating little puddles that you inevitably step in causing your socks to get wet. So frustrating.
10. Having to get into a freezing car and wait until the heat kicks in- and the heat never starts until you arrive at your destination
Welp, I hate snow. Always have, always will. It does provide some great memories, but not enough for me to love it. Sorry Snow.

doree! you almost made me miss the smow. The key word is ALMOST. How could you miss snow when you live on a tropical island in the middle of the pacific ocean! You still need to come visit, best time is summer. I have school off we can partay Saipan style and maybe travel somewhere. And although I do not miss snow, I do miss you and all our amazing after psych lunches.
ReplyDeletelove alli
Skiing not fun... ever? :( I like your :( in the snow. You should have put the happy list second. I am very sad now.