Well in recent Doree news, my best friend ever (that's right Anna, it’s you!) got hitched! After 3 years of being away, I finally got to go to my home town of Littleton, CO and see my mamacita, my old hood, and some of my closest friends growing up. Anna looked simply radiant and it was so fun to share the day with her and her family (aka: my second family), and to catch up with all of my beloved Colorado friends.

Anyways, I want to give a shout out to the bride and groom. Anna and Eric, you two are the perfect match for each other and I wish you a lifetime...no, an ETERNITY of marital bliss! Love you ShmAndersons!
P.S. All of their wedding photography was done by one of my greatest friends ever, Kenzie! She's awesome, so check out her site!
On a side note, I also got a bike that I LOVE! Yay!